Some medical issues are tougher to diagnose than others. Take thyroid issues; sometimes, they’re mistaken for cognitive issues or menopause. As any general doctor will tell you, however, thyroid issues do have early warning signs. It’s best to be aware of these things so you can notice when something is amiss and schedule an appointment with a primary doctor. 

Read on for early signs of thyroid issues that you need to know:


Women who are experiencing menopause often experience fatigue, so it’s really hard to pinpoint if the extreme tiredness their feeling is menopause-related or undiagnosed thyroid disorder. 

Of course, only a doctor can diagnose if you have issues with your thyroid. But one way to tell if it’s something more serious is if the tiredness doesn’t go away even with a long nap or complete overnight sleep. Fatigue brought by thyroid disorder can be described as tiredness that seems to not go away even with sufficient rest. 

Increased Heart Rate

Hyperthyroidism is when there’s an excess production of thyroid hormones. As a result, heartbeats will be harder, faster, and can have irregular rhythms. It can lead to issues such as atrial fibrillation and palpitations. 

Slowed Heart Rate

Since cardiac health is directly related to thyroid health, you must also watch out for slowed heart rate. Hypothyroidism happens when there’s a shortage of thyroid hormone production in the body. In turn, heart rates tend to slow down. Aside from the heartbeat, it can also lead to elasticity loss in arteries that cause high blood pressure. 

Weight Loss

If you’re not consciously trying to lose weight but notice that you are, it must be your thyroid. There are cases wherein the thyroid is overactive, generally referred to as hyperthyroidism. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) results would read at a higher than normal rate. At this point, weight loss happens at a rate and speed that depends on how severe the patient’s condition is. 

Weight Gain

On the other end of the spectrum, weight gain can also signal a problem with your thyroid. 

Gaining weight can be associated with several things, like overeating or living a lifestyle that’s too sedentary. However, it can also mean thyroid issues since metabolism is regulated by the thyroid. 

Hypothyroidism-related weight gain can range from slight, almost unnoticeable bloating to adding 10 more pounds to your weight. When you have an underactive thyroid, the hormones related to metabolism don’t function well. This causes your metabolism to slow down and your appetite to increase.


Thyroid issues can be tough to detect since they can be mistaken for other medical concerns. There are two main ones: hypothyroidism, which means not enough thyroid hormones are produced, and hyperthyroidism, which means too much thyroid hormones. Early warning signs include fatigue, increased or slowed heart rate, and weight gain or weight loss. When you notice these signs, make sure to consult a medical professional. It could be issues with your thyroid or not, so have yourself checked to be sure of the cause.

Do you think you have thyroid issues? Schedule an appointment at Garden State Medical Group for proper diagnosis and intervention. Our board-certified physicians and specialists practice multidisciplinary integrative and functional medicine. 

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