Memory care is a form of long-term care that is tailored to meet the specific demands of patients with memory problems. At Garden State Medical Group, we understand that living with these issues can be challenging for everyone involved, whether you are personally suffering from memory problems or a loved one is. That’s why we created our Memory and Cognition Care Program—to help those with memory care issues and their caretakers effectively and compassionately manage the problem and come up with innovative solutions for care.

Our Memory and Cognition Care Program may benefit those who:

Are diabetic
Are older
Display symptoms of Parkinson’s disease
Have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease
Have had a stroke
Have high blood pressure
Have suffered a traumatic brain injury
Live with depression

Our comprehensive program includes:

Cognitive assessments
Diet and nutritional strategies
Intelligence quotient (IQ) testing
Medication management
Memory care education
Memory loss tips and techniques
Memory screenings

Diagnostic services offered by our program include:

Cognitive functions test
eVox system
For more information about our Memory and Cognition Care Program or to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists, contact us today.

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