It is typical for people to forget little pieces of information when they’re either busy or preoccupied. It is inevitable to lose the sharpness of your memory as you grow older as well. Nonetheless, memory loss shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially when it becomes a handicap that negatively impacts your life.

Many contributing factors affect memory loss, including genetics and age, but severe states of forgetfulness can also be associated with various health problems involving the brain. Thus, it is crucial to take this matter with a little bit of seriousness.

Memory loss is not entirely preventable, but there are numerous ways you can hamper cognitive decline as you age. With that said, here are simple tips that can help you keep your memory sharper than ever at any age.

1. Consult Your Primary Care Doctor

Substantial memory loss can be a sign of an underlying brain injury or neurological disorder, which is why you must consult your primary care doctor as early as possible. Do not be afraid to raise questions regarding dementia-like symptoms, as this can help you identify health problems that may lead to worse problems later on.

It is essential to understand that early detection is vital in managing and treating medical problems associated with memory loss. Furthermore, your general doctor can give more meaningful advice in boosting mental performance and improving cognitive functions.

2. Always Strive To Learn Something New

Research suggests that learning something new can delay the onset of memory problems in people. Making it a habit to challenge and stimulate your brain through engaging in mental exercises that help activate cognitive processes is a great way to keep your memory sharp.

There is no need to go back to studying in school, though, as you can do this by pursuing new hobbies, learning different languages, and playing brain games or puzzles. Doing these might seem silly, but they are pretty effective in strengthening the mind.

3. Make It a Habit To Meditate Every Day

A study involving adults with early memory loss shows that meditation benefits older adults exhibiting symptoms of preclinical memory loss. In line with this report, activities such as listening to music and doing yoga also have conferring advantages that prove helpful in preventing memory loss and boosting brainpower.

4. Consider Using Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices can be useful in retaining and recalling pieces of information no matter how trivial they seem. Mnemonics aid in associating terms with everyday items that you are familiar with to increase the likelihood of remembering. Usually, this technique is used by students to review for examinations, but there is no reason you cannot apply it in dealing with day-to-day activities.

5. Socialize and Connect With People

Plenty of research shows that anxiety, depression, and stress contribute to the progression of memory loss. Thus, it is crucial to engage in social activities that can help improve your mental state. Always make time to mingle with your friends and family members when you have the opportunity. In this way, you can hit two birds with one stone by staying updated on how the people you love are doing while improving your mental and emotional condition.


Indeed, moments of forgetfulness can be considered normal to some extent. However, you must learn to acknowledge when such symptoms adversely affect your life. Do not wait around for noticeable signs of significant memory loss before taking action. The activities and exercises listed above aren’t all that difficult to do, so it would be best to start as early as now to prevent the development of neurological disorders in later years of your life.

Garden State Medical Group provides comprehensive healthcare solutions for patients that suffer from various medical conditions. If you’re worried that you’re exhibiting warning signs of memory loss or dementia, give our resident internist, Dr. Kamalesh Shah, a telemedicine call today!

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