What Foods Can Be Good or Bad for You When You Have Asthma?

Asthma is a condition that can lead to plenty of complications. It’s basically a long-running disease involving the lungs. Extreme cases could even lead to fatalities since it makes breathing extremely difficult. A rather massive asthma attack could also hinder a person’s ability to be active and even struggle with talking. 

Some people may not realize that those with asthma can manage their symptoms well by reviewing their diet. Here’s what you should know about what’s good and bad in terms of food when you have asthma.

BAD: Dried Fruit

Dried fruits are generally preserved with several elements, such as sulfites. Those are particularly unhelpful and could even lead the condition to be considerably, notably aggravated. Sulfites are also found in pickled vegetables, bottled lemon juice, red wine and other types of alcohol, and maraschino cherries, among other things.

GOOD: Food Rich in Vitamin D

While this is usually ideally taken from the sun, vitamin D is also found in several foods. It’s usually found in fatty fish, such as swordfish and salmon. Drinks like orange juice and milk have this as well. Eggs are also quite rich in vitamin D.

It’s a nutrient that boosts your immune system even more, allowing your body to have the protection it needs against germs. As a result, airways won’t have that much swelling.

BAD: Gas-Inducing Foods

Everyone knows that consuming beans will lead to quite a bit of gas. Since there’s considerable belly bloat when it’s consumed, breathing becomes harder by default. In some cases, it could end up triggering an asthma attack.

Other triggers of gas include carbonated drinks, fried foods, garlic, and onions.

GOOD: Nuts and Seeds

It’s really not much of a secret that nuts and seeds are great natural foods. Among the vitamins and nutrients in it, vitamin E is found in them too, which is quite helpful for people dealing with asthma. Raw seeds, almonds, and hazelnuts are all great sources for this.

Tocopherol is found in vitamin E, a chemical that can help address asthma-induced wheezing and coughing.

BAD: Food That Trigger Allergies

Asthma is practically synonymous with food allergies. Food reactions will likely make asthma symptoms like wheezing manifest. This varies from person to person, and it could involve shellfish, dairy, wheat, nuts, and more.

GOOD: Fruits and Vegetables

Since these have many antioxidants like vitamins E and C and beta carotene, consuming these is great for your overall health. Kale, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables are also ideal sources of essential vitamins in minerals, especially since they’re rich in vitamin E. More importantly, they stop free radicals, which are cell-damaging particles that can trigger lung irritation and inflammation.


Asthma, which is a respiratory condition that can lead to plenty of conditions, is fairly common. Food can help it swing either way; there are good and bad consumables, which make symptoms ease or worsen. Fruits and vegetables, food rich in vitamin D like eggs, nuts, and seeds are ideal for easing symptoms. Foods to avoid include dried fruit, those that induce gas, and food products that trigger allergies. However, this is just a quick list. It’s still recommended to consult a doctor regarding the foods you can and can’t eat.

Need to consult a primary doctor for your asthma? Schedule an appointment at Garden State Medical Group today! We are staffed by professionals, and we focus on prevention, management, and education to treat biological, behavioral, and clinical needs.

Food Can Affect Your Asthma: Here’s the Good and the Bad

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