Questions That Have to Be Asked of a General Practitioner

By rushing from one event to another, people often forget about the importance of time spent with a primary care physician or internal medicine doctor. However, seeking and following through on reliable health care advice is crucial to your long-term physical health.

It’s perfectly understandable not to know what questions are best asked, however. That is why this blog exists; here are questions your general practitioner absolutely wants you to ask:

How can I improve my health?

Aerobic exercise and calisthenics, done nearly every day and at least 30 minutes per day, provide the best base for physical fitness. Such exercise strengthens the heart, lungs, and circulation, develops strong muscles and bones, and helps keep weight under control. To avoid stress on the knees and hips, do not exercise on hard or uneven surfaces. Lift weights with care to avoid injury to tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Many adults need at least seven hours of sleep a night. 

The general practitioner will also catch things that may have been overlooked otherwise. It should be noted, of course, that it’s not just working out or grand gestures. The little things matter too, including (but not limited to):

  • Deep breathing
  • Eating breakfast instead of skipping
  • Eating heart-friendly nuts
  • Frequent handwashing
  • Meditation
  • Not drinking soda
  • Relaxation
  • Yoga

What medical tests are vital and how frequently should they be done?

There are several factors at play for medical tests to be determined: age, gender and even family history will all be noted. Only then will the general practitioner be able to recommend screenings and tests that can create an impact one way or another. It’s important to have a comprehensive take on medical history and share any diseases running in the family with the doctor.

What does this lab result say in simple terms?

Let’s face it: lab results can be pretty complex, and a lot of the terms are tough for non-medical professionals. What is the proper fasting glucose rate? What are LDL and HDL, how are they different or similar? Medical professionals will be able to explain unfamiliar terms beyond just giving a definition, which is what search engines will do.

In fact, the general practitioner will likely be more than glad to explain things as clearly as needed.

Are there any symptoms that I need to be wary of?

It’s really important to be aware of any possible side effects from medicines. That’s because the way people respond to medications varies depending on a number of factors. Person A taking Medicine 1 and Person B taking Medicine 1 will not have the same experience. Factors like what the medication is, whether or not it’s combined with other medication, and the person’s age all play into it.


Contrary to popular belief, general practitioners actually love answering patient questions. It’s a great way for them to ensure that the patient is actually fully aware of what’s going on and, on the patient’s end, there will be less anxiety, doubt and even misunderstanding. Ask questions such as how to improve health, what a lab result says put simply and if there are any symptoms to be wary of.

Looking for a general doctor? Contact Garden State Medical Group! Our GPs and specialists practice functional medicine and multidisciplinary integrative medicine. 

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