The New Routine You Should Include Daily – Our Guide

No doubt, one of the most important parts of our body is the heart. This powerful organ spends every minute of every day, pumping gallons of blood so that the body can function well. Because our heart works so hard, we shouldn’t forget to take care of it.

Squeezing in a heart routine daily and being mindful about your body will help keep your heart healthy and going. 

Add a cardio session to your workouts

It probably takes a lot for you to get out of bed and put on your running shoes—but if you did that already, you’ve done the hardest. All you have to do now is walk out the door and go for a little run. 

Doing a bit of cardio workout every day helps strengthen your immune system and improves your cardiovascular health. It can be a bit tough at first to squeeze this in, but in time, you’ll notice that it targets not only the heart but also strengthens and improves other parts of your body.

Make sure to keep in touch with your primary doctor when you start working out. Keep them posted on how your body is feeling so that problems can be tended to right away.

Mind what you eat

A lot of people work out so that they could eat whatever you want. Though this may be alright, it is still better to be mindful of what you put in your body. It is true that we need to include fats in our diet, but there is one kind that we should stay away from—trans fat. 

Too much trans fat intake can increase your risk of developing heart problems and strokes. By saying no to trans fat and cutting it out of your diet, you lower your bad cholesterol levels and improve your blood circulation. What’s the use of working out if you don’t eat healthy in the first place?

Your dental hygiene matters

Don’t skip brushing your teeth and flossing. Studies show that many of the bacteria found in your mouth can make their way to your bloodstream and affect your heart. Gum disease has the same risk factors as heart disease. It not only affects your gums, but it can also damage tissue and increase the risk of heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes if not treated. 

Let your mind and body rest

It might have been harder for you to get enough sleep lately because of countless distractions, but this shouldn’t stop you from making sleep your priority. Not getting enough sleep can increase the risk of heart problems. Studies show that lack of sleep can result in high blood pressure, which is one of the leading risks for heart disease and stroke.

Stop smoking

It is known that smoking badly affects your heart and lungs. It increases the risk of heart failure, lung cancer, and other respiratory diseases. If you aren’t a smoker, it is so important to remember to avoid secondhand smoking. Your risk of getting heart failure is about 30 percent higher because the chemicals emitted from cigarette smoke increase the build-up of plaque in the arteries. 

Keep moving

Studies have shown that being idle or staying seated for long periods has negative heart effects. That is because it increases blood clotting, which directly affects your arteries and decreases the health of your heart.


You’re already doing a great job by doing your research on how to improve your heart rate. The challenge here is keeping it up and following through every day. If you’re having difficulty going through this alone, you can ask some of your family members and friends to join you and be accountable for each other. Another thing to remember is to always keep in touch with your physicians to avoid problems and to decrease health risks. 

Here at Garden State Medical Group, we have board-certified physicians and specialists that practice multidisciplinary integrative and functional medicine with a focus on prevention, management, and education.

If you need a primary doctor in New Jersey, we’ve got you covered. Schedule an appointment with us here at Garden State Medical Group!

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