If you feel unwell, one of the first people you should consult if it gets worse is a doctor. However, being a healthcare provider is a hard job. Patients are not always easy to deal with. On top of that, you’d always think that a doctor’s only job is to meet patients in their clinics. But that’s not the case. Here are some of the things that your doctors wish you knew.

They want to be your doctor long-term, not short-term.

Doctors work better with patients with whom they have life-long relationships. For example, doctors who have helped you from childhood to adulthood will understand your physiology better than a doctor meeting you for the first time. 

Maintaining the same doctor for years can enable them to know you inside and out—literally. There are instances when you might need to change doctors due to bad experiences or practices, but if you find someone you like, stick with them as long as you can!

Write down all of their advice.

After a doctor examines you, they can give you a set of instructions to follow to help you recover faster. Taking notes while they provide advice helps them reassure themselves that you are trying to understand and follow what they’re asking you. Unfortunately, most patients only take a mental note of the solutions; many forget everything and end up not doing what’s advised. Next time you visit a doctor, make a note. After all, it’s for your own good.

Be respectful to health care workers.

Regardless of what you feel, doctors are people too. The simplest thing you can do to repay their kindness is to be kind to them too. The kindness you express to doctors should also be forwarded to everyone who works with them. Anyone who works to help you in clinics or hospitals should be given the same kindness. Even though they are not doctors, they are people who deserve respect.

Consult a doctor instead of self-diagnosing.

Self-diagnosing is not a verified way to know what issues you might have. Websites like WebMD “diagnoses” based on the symptoms you type in, but that isn’t always the right way to do it. Although it’s great to know about possible issues you might have, self-diagnosing only poses more risk for you. The best way to help yourself is to visit your doctor right away.

Doctors are not slacking but busy.

If ever your doctors do not come on time for your appointment, try not to get mad at them. They are not coming in late to annoy you or because they are irresponsible. It’s their duty to check on other patients too before coming to their offices. Oftentimes, they will be double booked on a day but still try to keep up with their patient appointments. Doctors are also under oath to help any patient that enters their care to the best of their ability. 

Do as doctors say.

It’s not logical to come to a doctor but not follow what they prescribe to you. There are patients who often refuse to take their medicines or follow the doctor’s advice. It should go without saying that following a doctor’s orders can help you recover faster and improve your quality of life. You must be cooperative with their recommendations.


As patients, our role is to be participative and to abide by the doctor’s orders. It is the only way to recover from any sickness you might have. Remember that doctors are your friends, not enemies. They’re also human beings with their own concerns.

Garden State Medical Group is a diverse set of professionals that aim to provide the best for clients in North Bergen and Secaucus, New Jersey. Our team, composed of board-certified physicians and specialists excels in delivering multidisciplinary, integrative, and functional medicine with a focus on prevention, management, and education. Whether you’re seeking family care or a general doctor, Garden State Medical Group is here to give you the best care for your needs. Schedule an appointment today and experience the excellent care we offer.

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