Tips to Staying Safe At Home After Heart Failure

Heart failure is a serious condition that requires doctor’s care. Simply put, the best heart doctors in New Jersey define heart failure as when your heart does not pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. This occurs when the heart doesn’t fill with enough blood or isn’t strong enough to pump blood throughout your body efficiently—or both.

If you have heart failure, you need to make certain lifestyle changes that can boost wellness. Here are some tips by Garden State Medical Group for successfully managing heart failure:

  1. Weigh Every Day: You must weigh yourself every morning after you go to the bathroom. Cardiologists say that weight gain is one of the first signs of heart failure because it means you’re retaining fluid. Keep a daily chart, and if you gain more than three pounds in one day or five pounds in a week, contact your doctor.
    If you experience sudden weight gain, check your ankles, legs, and abdomen for swelling. This signals an edema or buildup of fluid in your tissues that requires immediate attention from the doctor.
  2. Monitor Blood Pressure: Your cardiologist may also suggest keeping track of your blood pressure, which, when high, could put a strain on the heart and cause muscles to weaken and work less efficiently. If your pressure rises, you may need to see your doctor sooner than planned.
  3. Limit Liquid: Too much fluids can worsen heart failure. This is because, with heart failure, your kidneys are less able to dispose of sodium and water. You will have to limit your water intake. Healthy heart programs list limiting intake to two quarts or less per day. But be careful about limiting intake too much because this could cause dehydration.
  4. Limit Salt Consumption: Salt is known to cause extra fluid to build up in your body and complicate heart failure. That’s why doctors will frequently call for salt restrictions. It’s also a good idea to avoid fast food completely and resist adding salt to your food.
  5. Take Medication as Directed: Your cardiologist may prescribe a number of different drugs to treat the symptoms of your condition, depending on the cause and severity. It’s crucial to take your medication according to your doctor’s recommendations.
  6. Develop Good Sleep Hygiene: The best heart doctors in New Jersey say that quality sleep is vital for overall health. When you have heart failure, getting enough rest is more crucial. According to research, patients with heart failure are more likely to experience sleep-disordered breathing. To improve sleep, adopt a routine:
    • Go to bed and wake up the same time every day.
    • Use pillows designed to alleviate sleep apnea signs.
    • Keep the room dark and cool.
    • Don’t nap close to the bedtime.
  7. Consider a Home Health Monitoring Device: The top healthy heart program suggests utilizing an at-home health monitoring system, which can keep you safe and record your daily progress. These devices can track blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, etc. If you witness a change from baseline conditions, get in touch with your doctor. These systems are extremely beneficial if used consistently.

The clinical results of heart failure depend largely on how well people manage their condition between visits to their doctor. Taking care of yourself must be a priority when you have heart failure. It may mean some adjustments in daily habits but these simple heart failure prevention steps will help you get the heart health boost you need.

Garden State Medical Group understands how important it is to keep this vital muscle healthy and strong. That’s why we offer our Heart Smart Program, a comprehensive healthy heart program centered around preventive and continued care for the heart and its conditions.

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