Bone Density and Bone Density Machines

A bone density test is a test that is carried out to diagnose osteoporosis before the occurrence of a broken bone. This test can be used to determine the density of your bones and the probability of you having a breaking bone. It is highly recommended to undergo a this test of the spine and hip by a central DXA (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) machine. This will help to diagnose osteoporosis.

A bone density test will help determine whether you have osteoporosis or you should be getting concerned about your bones. It is otherwise known as a bone mass measurement test. This test is carried out with the use of a machine that can measure the bone density. This machine determines the amount of bone in your spine, hip, or other bones present in the body. You need to talk to your healthcare provider about taking this test if you are a man aged 50 and older or a postmenopausal woman.

What a Bone Density Machine Can Do

A bone density machine will help you with a test that helps determine if you have a low bone density (osteopenia), normal bone density, or osteoporosis. This is the only machine that can be used to diagnose osteoporosis. You are at a higher risk of breaking a bone when you have lower bone density. The test from a bone density machine will help you and your primary care physician find how well you are reacting to osteoporosis treatment, predict breaking a bone in the future and see if your bone situation is getting better or worse.

Bone Density Machine – Central DXA

The main bone density machine that is highly recommended for the test of the spine and hip for osteoporosis is the central DXA machine. DXA is known as the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. If it is not possible to do a test on the hip and spine, it is recommended to do a central DXA test for the radius bone of the forearm. In most cases, the type of bone testing equipment to be used depends on what you have in your primary health care.

There are a lot of reasons why it is important to measure bone density in the spine and hip. First, there is a higher chance of breaking these bones, especially if you have osteoporosis. Second, there are a lot of problems associated with the fracturing of the hip and spine, which come with greater pain, longer recovery time, and even disability. General practitioners can also use this test to predict the probability of having bone breaks in the future.

To get started with the use of the bone density machine, you need to remain dressed, but with no buttons or zippers around the parts to be scanned. The test will be completed in less than 15 minutes. Please note that this test is non-invasive and painless (no needles are going into your body). This bone density machine uses very little radiation.

Conclusively, this test is unique, and you cannot use standard x-rays to replace it. This is because x-rays cannot display osteoporosis unless it is in its advanced stages. However, in addition to DXA, x-rays can be used to detect broken bones in the body.

Our team at Garden State Medical Group is highly specialized in diagnosing and treating afflictions related to bones. Equipped with state of the art bone density machines, we are ready to welcome you in our facilities in the state of New Jersey.

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