Why Women Are More Prone to Experiencing Heart Problems

Male and female anatomies are different in so many ways. While the difference is incredibly apparent in the exterior or physical build, the contrast is greater internally. Not many know that these cardiovascular problems could manifest differently for both genders.

To help you understand this phenomenon more, this article will look closely at how women experience the symptoms of cardiovascular issues and how this difference can affect their lives.

How Different Is a Woman’s Cardiovascular System?

Compared to the body structure of men, this is how women’s cardiovascular system differs:

  • Women generally have smaller hearts than men.
  • Women have higher heart rates.
  • They have smaller blood vessels and arteries.

As a result, the presence and progression of women’s heart problems may appear differently from men’s. Plaque buildup affects women’s arteries faster than it does in men’s. Since women’s arteries are generally smaller, they are at greater risk of experiencing blockages or blood clots. Their arteries are much more challenging to mend as well.

How They Differ in Symptoms

Many sources and articles online state that the number one symptom of heart issues is sudden chest pain. Some women, however, do not experience chest pains or discomfort. The symptoms may manifest differently for them.

When females suffer from heart attacks and other issues, they may experience the following:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Fainting, dizziness, or lightheadedness
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Pressure on the upper back

These symptoms can also indicate other ailments, so it might be hard to determine if they’re experiencing a heart attack or not. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, women are in more danger of heart attacks than men. They are said to:

  • Experience heart attacks more than once
  • More likely to die from a heart attack than breast cancer

The difference is not only apparent in terms of a heart attack. Women are also more prone to strokes. According to the same report, women are more likely to die from stroke than men due to their smaller blood vessels. Female stroke survivors could also experience worse side effects in their mental and physical health.

Other Risks Differences

Women are also more likely to have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems than men in the following situations:

  • Their estrogen levels have started to drop.
  • They are of advanced age.
  • They have a family history of these diseases.

What Women Can Do

Knowledge is still your best weapon against cardiovascular conditions. Now that you know what could happen and the potential risks, you can perform the necessary steps to prevent these from happening:

  • Be aware of your health background. Factors such as age, gender, family history, and race can determine a patient’s chances of getting heart disease and stroke.
  • Conduct regular medical checkups with your doctor, including blood pressure checks and other examinations that can detect cardiovascular issues
  • Avoid unhealthy habits like smoking, lack of exercise, or overeating.
  • If you have diabetes and other conditions, make sure you properly manage them with your doctor.


There may be differences between a man’s and a woman’s body, but both are prone to suffering from these ailments. The best thing both genders can do is to be extra careful with their health and lifestyle choices. Women need to understand that symptoms might be different for them. They need to be extra cautious with their health and be more proactive about getting checked.

If you want to know more or have any questions regarding the biological differences between a man and a woman, ask your physician. At the Garden State Medical Group, we offer a wide array of superior diagnostics and treatments for conditions related to cardiovascular problems. Book a consultation with us today.

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